
Transfer to a school in UK: terms and requirements
How to enroll in a UK school? This is the question asked by responsible parents who want to give their child the best for a successful and promising future. If you are aiming for a …

Deadlines to apply for universities in UK
1. Foundation programs
Acceptance of documents for all preparatory programs at universities in England is open until July. In order to apply, you must submit your school transcript with grades to the admissions office. It …

Secondary education in 10 best secondary schools
Education received in the UK has long been considered exemplary, both academically and educationally. This is not surprising, because the British system has been formed over the years, relying on the best traditions of classical …

Ranking of schools in UK 2021
How to understand ratings
The ratings are compiled by specialized portals, the media and the Ministry of Education. The main ranking criterion is the results of final exams. They talk about the quality of academic …

Summer language courses and schools in UK
Language courses in UK
English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Speaking English, you can study at the best universities in the world, read original books and watch films without translation, …

Studying in UK after the 11th grade
Getting a higher education document after graduating from one of the UK universities is every student's dream. After all, such a diploma is a priori the best evidence of a truly high-quality education and gives …

Language schools in UK
Language schools in UK
Of course, there is no better place to learn English than UK language schools. Immersed in the language environment, you will get the opportunity "first-hand" to get acquainted with the peculiarities …

Girls' schools in UK
A boarding school in the UK with separate education is rightfully considered one of the most elite educational options and an excellent base for the formation of a free, self-confident modern woman.
Schools for girls …

Boys' schools in UK
Boys' schools in England and the United Kingdom are often among the oldest and most respected, with a tradition of segregated education dating back hundreds of years of successful work in Foggy Albion. Examples of …

Study English in UK
Benefits of Studying English in England
Studying English in England is the surest way to master the language of world communication. This path is chosen by those who want to master perfectly the classical English …